Monday, March 16, 2009

Spread it around

This past Saturday, a wonderful man got on his tractor, worked many hours, spreading around the river silt that was delivered by the county. In the rain and cold, this sweet man faithfully served our north city community by helping us in our efforts to develop the community garden.

Here's the look of "spread-around-river-silt" to zoom larger.

Thank you dear one, who wishes to remain anonymous!

Okay next, we start bringing in various composts and organics. If thing dry up enough so we can get a tractor/tiller in on the site, we'll till in this added material into the silt and earth that is there now. Layer by layer, tilling by tilling, we'll gradually get a really good foundation for our garden.

I was out there today, digging some test holes at various locations. A good sign: Lots of earthworms! I think "I felt the earth move under my feet..." sorry Carole King, different context. But there ARE a lot of good guys worming their way around in the Good Earth.


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